8A: Patrick Farrelly
Patrick is a true gentleman. He has shown great kindness in his contributions and ideas for the SVP appeal and has an excellent merit record. He is a role model for others in Year 8.
8B: Luke Quinn
Luke has been fantastic since joining the College in September. He has thrown himself into the extra-curricular life of the College, produced a fantastic first report, and has already accumulated 20 merits & no demerits. Luke has also been very kind and helpful toward his peers, offering a helping hand whenever needed.
8C: Ciaran Clarke
Ciaran is a kind and courteous young man, showing initiative in class and always giving his best effort. This is evident in his high number of achievement points.
8D: Declan McQuade
Declan is a pleasant young man who has worked consistently hard from his very first day at the College. He is a well respected member of the class who is a good friend to everyone.
8E: Callum Muckian
Callum has an excellent merit record. He has fully immersed himself in extra-curricular life of the College. He is always pleasant and a great friend to the other boys in 8E.